Hey everyone! I know I am getting this up a little late! As you can tell the full moon eclipse energy is for sure messing with my sleep! How are you all doing with all this that is going energy shifting going on! Yesterday we had a full moon lunar eclipse in Cancer which is hitting on all the emotions! The eclipse is making this full moon even more powerful than others. You could possibly be feeling things on a more intense level or feeling more instability than usual. Pay attention to what is coming up. Ask yourself why you are still hanging on to the past, bad habits and toxic relationships with yourself and others. Some of you are going to be having sudden changes, abrupt changes or endings. If feels sorta like the universe is yelling, “Plot Twist!” and you are having to change your direction quickly and possibly without notice. Try not to fight these changes too much as some of these have been in the works for awhile and are needed in order for the rebirth, rebuilds, new beginnings and fresh starts. We are wrapping up this current six month eclipse season so take a look at what you has been building up, release and resolving since then. You may have been feeling a bit over the last few weeks and especially this past week a sort of anticipation of things to come even if you don’t know just what. Or that you have all these ideas but are waiting for that exact step to line up so you know what direction to take next. You will start to see those opportunities start to line up just perfectly. Try and keep notes of the crazy dreams you been having and a lot of what has been going on as eclipse energy will keep on going for the next six months so even if you don’t have anything major happen just yet you could be setting the stage for things over the next few months. Lots of stuff working behind the scenes as well and will be shown a little bit at a time. We currently have no planets in retrograde right now so lots of forward movement going on here. You will also discover that the changes occur a bit more smooth as well which is a very welcome change. Now is the time to tap into that magic within and outside! It is a strong manifestation period as well so you may notice that you are thinking of something and it suddenly appears. Or something that you were wanting to do last summer and came up on the road blocks will now be free and ready to go! I know that changes can be tough for many out there but are definitely needed in order to really change things on all levels. We are being reminded that what we have done in the past is no longer going to work for the future and we have to change things up in order to keep on moving forward! Tap into this energy, embrace the changes and be ready to celebrate all that you are going to be accomplishing on the other side of this!

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer
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