Happy New Moon in Taurus! I am sure many of you have been feeling the effects of this for a few days already! This is a big one for new beginnings in all areas of your life! It is a great time to purge your home, office, relationships and thought patterns that no longer lift you up but consistently bring you down. Make way for the new coming your way! The energy has that take a leap of faith vibe to it, but in a more of a grounded way! Not the fiery do it now typa thing. You intuition is heightened along with the confidence and showing you synchronicities to trust what you are getting as you are moving forward! This is pushing you to do a lot for yourself, but not in a selfish way. You will find yourself looking at the boundaries you have or don’t have set up. When it comes to others you will be finding your voice and be able to communicate what is or is not fulfilling you anymore in the relationships, friendships etc. Something you didn’t have the confidence to communicate before. You will be putting up boundaries more and removing yourself from conversations and situations that you are finding draining more and more. You may also see relationships and friendships end suddenly or subtly slip away and may deep down feel a sense of ease with it as you know it is the answer to what you have been feeling for a while. This is making way for new connections coming your way! When speaking your voice, be sure to just be honest, not in a forceful way. If you need to take some introspection time before you decided what you need to chat about instead of just blurting it out, May is a great time to do so. Also look at the boundaries you have put up for yourself. I don’t mean keep others out, but what boundaries have you put up around you that is keeping you from living this best possible life? What limitations do you have in your mind that is keeping you shining as bright as you can? Do you fear that you will shine too bright for others or stealing the spotlight from someone you may admire or are close to? Do you feel the fear of what if I fail, or what will people say if I try this again because I didn’t get it right the first time? Stop that! The world needs the amazing version of what you have to offer! It takes time and steps to get what you are supposed to go. Mistakes are not failures but the stepping stones and building blocks to get you to where you are ment to be. Use this new beginning energy to really work on making good positive habits and changes for you. What is it that you want to change? Really sit for a minute and think about that, deep down. Only you know the answer to what your heart and soul is wanting! This new moon is exciting, grounding, yet slow and steady as well so use it all to make some big changes in your life for the better!

Happy New Moon in Taurus!
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