Just when you feel the energies can’t get any more crazy for this year, here we go for the last of the 3 major shifts for the year! Mercury retrograde started last night and goes until November 3rd. Throw a new moon on the 16th and a full moon on the 31st which is the second one for the month of October, looks like it going to be an interesting next few weeks! Just as much of the theme of the year, it is going to be putting an emphasis on rolling with the unexpected. Communication can be affected by this as well. It is a good time to think before you speak as things may come out blunt or in an intended joking manor but may not be taken well. You many notice your intuition coming in a lot stronger as well. Make note of the dreams, random thoughts, ideas and gut feels. You should be seeing a bit more validation on those things quicker than you have in some time. Along with this there may be many that are noticing anxiety spiking up. Feeling the changes coming but just not know what or things are switching out of nowhere which is causing it to do that as well. The thing with the changes is that you may still be on track for your goals or direction but it is moving you off the exact path you thought you would use to get you there. Do your best to embrace the changes. What is this teaching you, showing you how far you have come, or bringing about unexpected opportunities and contacts that are for the good. You may be feeling or noticing a bit more of a social vibe as well. Wanting to get out there, chat with people and just being a bit more open. Since mercury retro can put emphasis on slowing down, giving you time to rework, review and release things, situations and relationships from your past there is a bit of chance that past relationships or past life relationships will surface. The mercury retro also as always can affect electronic (good idea to back up those computers) vehicles and travel plans. Double check your itinerary and be patient with any last-minute changes you have coming up there!

Mercury Retrograde
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