New moon in Scorpio! Are you ready for some dramatic changes and new beginnings! I have been hearing many people feeling the affects of this along with currently being in the shadow of Mercury retrograde that starts on October 31st. The new moon energy is a strong push for the next two weeks, but this is really setting the stage for the next 6-month period ahead. What makes this one tough if the new beginnings and new directions is that the old has to be pushed away in order to make room for the new. Time to clean out the old to make room for the new! This could be in the form of your own emotions and inner healings that are bubbling up for you to focus on, heal from, release and let go in order for the new to have a solid foundation to build on. You will be seeing a lot of truths come to light as well. Could be that things have been hidden or maybe you are seeing things for how they were all along and that you were just not ready to see. Could it be the habits or negative self-talk keeping you from achieving your goals, the pressure to change jobs as the one you currently have is really starting to feel toxic, to letting go of toxic relationships of all types. You are going to be making major positive changes with the release of the old. This might feel a bit of roller coaster and tough time, but you will also notice that you feel a bit more confident in the changes that are coming or are currently in the process of. As this moves along so go easy on yourself! Your intuition is going to be higher than normal so pay attention to that gut of yours! If something doesn’t feel right about something or someone listen to it. Maybe take a moment or two and to feel things out a bit more. With this exciting yet can be somewhat emotional energy coming it is good to keep in mind that you are responsible for how you act and react and not for anyone else’s reaction. Be sure to be taking that time for yourself and if drama is going on around you, try to do your best to keep out of it. Notice also the magic of the new beginnings that are coming with this as well! Try to do your best to not resist these changes, as hard as it can be, it is needed to be open for the next level or stages of things. Embrace the excitement instead! With mercury retrograde starting on the 31st you will see more relationships, opportunities and people from your past showing up as either another chance to try it again or finally let it go. Might feel like for some the universe yelling “plot twist!” and you coming out on the other side more aligned with who you are, where you want to go and what you want to be!

New Moon in Scorpio!
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